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和谐中国 >> 强国军事


文章来源:  作者:  2007-04-19
Wednesday, April 18th, 2007   9:23 am



The Australian

文/凯瑟琳.艾米提  译/邢荣勤










    这位自由作家、新闻研究员目前正在为自己的网站积攒人气www.yuluncn.com,这个网站专门针对官员贪污腐败。这个网站在英文里叫做“Chinese Public Opinion Surveillance Net--中国舆论监督网”。去年,由于它张贴了一位被指有腐败行为的中国重要城市副市长双膝跪地,恳求不要被曝光的照片,这个网站被关闭了。















China fights to control the net
Catherine Armitage

2005 年 6 月 6 日
The Australian

Internet bloggers tread a fine line when they dare to question corrupt officials, writes China correspondent Catherine Armitage

ACHINESE government threat to close down unregistered websites has convinced just 430,000 to make themselves known at the Information Ministry — suggesting that most of the country’s estimated 4 million web loggers, or bloggers, are choosing to stay out in the cold.

"There’s a bit of a chill blowing through right now," said Duncan Clark, managing director of Beijing-based media consultancy BDA China. The campaign for registration is "obviously an effort to impose control" on web activities, said Mr Clark, who has moved his website offshore to avoid the regulators.

Li Xinde should be more worried than most.

The freelance investigative journalist is gaining fame for his site, www.yuluncn.com , which targets official corruption. The site, known in English as Chinese Public Opinion Surveillance Net, was shut down last year when it carried pictures of the allegedly corrupt vice-mayor of a major Chinese city on his knees apparently begging not to be exposed.

The official was arrested soon afterwards and awaits trial on accusations of stealing $530,000. But the woman who first accused him, and whom he allegedly tried to kidnap and intimidate, has already been sentenced to five years in prison in a case Li believes was mounted in revenge by the vice-mayor’s government cronies.

But Li says his site was shut down only because the vice-mayor’s younger brother worked in the Public Security Bureau. "We’ll register according to the regulations. Similar websites by my friends have all passed registration so far. I don’t think anyone will tell us not to post corruption-fighting content."

By confining his writings to factual exposures of corruption, and never questioning the party’s rule, Li minimises his risks. He is a Communist Party member. He believes he has the support not just of the general public, but of the party too. In an anonymous Beijing hotel room with his tools of trade — an IBM laptop and a digital camera — he says they share the same aims.

"There are many people (with grievances) who go around from department to department without result, and they come to me very upset and scolding the party loudly," he said.

"I tell them, `If you believe in the party, tell me what happened. if you don’t believe in the party don’t tell me, because everything that follows depends on the party for a solution’."

Li lives by the creed of "publish or perish", keeping one step ahead of corrupt local officials by working quickly and in secret, travelling in and out of places before he can be detained by the local officials he specialises in exposing. "I could not do what I do without the internet," he says.

The site gets an average of 15,000 hits a day. Even if he does have tacit official backing, Li’s activities are highly risky. He claims no one is immune from his attention, yet he must also know that he will be abandoned to his fate the moment his investigations sail too close to the true centres of party power.

"Netizens" who use the web to question China’s authoritarian rule quickly discover that the Party’s long arm reaches deep into cyberspace.

There are said to be some 40,000 "internet police" working to maintain the "Great Firewall of China" to block access to sites the party doesn’t like and cleanse chat rooms of subversive content, often within minutes of posting.

According to Reporters without Borders, at least 61 people are in Chinese jails for posting illegal messages or articles on the internet.

But Guo Liang, one of China’s leading internet researchers, said the main targets of the drive to register websites were online gambling, pornography and some game sites.

"There is still space for individuals to go online and (not) say who they are," he said. "I think maybe the Government will do something on bloggers but up to now nothing has happened."

On the other hand, he points out, a 1997 regulation requiring registration of all internet users is not enforced.

"It is a cat and mouse game. I think every government wants more control but the question is how, and whether conditions allow it."

Copyright 2005 News Ltd. All Rights Reserved


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